Prospective students

Friendship Without Borders at Geiko  #5 Short-Term Summer School at a Partner University

So far in this Friendship Without Borders at Geiko series, I have interviewed international students at Kyushu University to understand how they build friendships with Japanese students. In this issue, I would like to share with you about the friendships that the Japanese student of Geiko has experienced abroad and that Japanese is ME!

Kyushu University has numerous inter-university and inter-faculty agreements. This summer, I participated in a summer school program at Dalian University of Technology, one of our partner universities in China. This summer school lasted 10 days and consisted of Chinese language classes, Chinese culture experiences, a department tour, a campfire, a city tour, sightseeing, a photo and vlog contest, a presentation, and a welcome and farewell party. The most important thing I gained through this program was the encounters and friendships with the local university students.

First of all, the student volunteers of my group took care of everything, from ordering in the cafeteria to taking us sightseeing. We spent most of the time together and even shared personal matters. We became good friends at the end of the trip, and it was hard to say goodbyes to them. My treasured memories include celebrating a Japanese student’s birthday at a Chinese hot pot restaurant and practising singing songs together. We promised to meet again when they come to Japan to study or work.

 Performance at farewell party with group members

Next, we also made friends with the students at the School of Architecture and Fine Art. They brought us around for the department tour. I was surprised to see many students studying Japanese even though they are not Japanese language majors. Also, their hairstyle and clothes were like those of the students of Geiko. I guess students who specialize in the same field have similar tastes and interests. I felt somewhat at home with them!

At the Historical Museum of Dalian University of Technology with my cute supporter.
Photo by 桔子 (undergraduate 3rd year student, talented photographer!)
At the cafe of Dalian University of Technology with a department teacher and a master’s student.

I also had a reunion with a graduate of the Dalian University of Technology who had come to Geiko as an undergraduate exchange student. She will be entering Geiko 2024 as a master’s student. On the free and easy day, I went sightseeing in Dalian with her. I was surprised to see how fluent her Japanese had become. Also, I was relieved as well as very happy to see the student related to Geiko overseas.

Photo with my friend. Geiko and I are looking forward to welcoming her again.

There were 102 students from Japanese universities participating in this program, including students from Thailand, Vietnam, and China studying in Japan. One of my best experiences is getting to know them.

In China, there is a saying, “If you have a bond, you will meet again.”. It is an attitude of looking forward to the next opportunity to meet rather than being sad to say goodbye. During this visit, I experienced the Chinese culture that values human connections, and I fell in love with China even more.

I cannot write here enough about my experience in Dalian. As a student majoring in design, I was interested in Chinese product design that focused on the function and the appearance of the product. Also, I am fascinated with the design of the plaza where many wheelchair users were seen and the purchasing system where everything is completed through QR codes.

Staying abroad and experiencing local life, even for a short period of time, will give you many insights into the differences between Japan and the rest of the world. For Geiko students (Japanese or international students) studying design, there is no way not to take advantage of such an opportunity!


About the Writer

I am a master’s student. I’m Japanese, but I really love foreign cultures, especially Chinese culture. It’s fun for me to hear the stories from international students because it broadens my horizons. If you also become a Geiko student, you can expand your creativity as well as your international horizons. Why don’t you join us? We are waiting for you!

Megumi Hasegawa
Graduate School of Design
Human Life Design and Science Course